Screen Time

When I was a kid, my father brought home a plastic, toaster oven sized box with a small multicolored apple on the outside. I don't know where he got it but that was our first computer. We were the first people on our street to own one (I should add though that there were 3 …

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The Weinstein Effect

When Harvey Weinstein's sexual assaults were brought into the open, I wasn't surprised. Hollywood has always been run by misogynistic men who wield their power over those they deem as weak. To me, the fallout and the articles were just another news story, something I could read about and go, "Jesus Christ, what a fucking …

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The Awkward Father Live!

Last Christmas, my parents gifted us four tickets to go see Peppa Pig Live at our local theater. This was our kids first time to a theater. As we drove downtown, each stop sign we hit reinforced the excitement of our kids as they asked "Is this the Peppa Pig show?" I wasn't completely sure …

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